SCOR Meeting on Coordination of International Marine Research Projects


23 September (Thursday)

9:00 Background, Introductions, and Goals – John Field/Laurent Labeyrie and Ed Urban
9:30 Update on follow-up activities related to SCOR/IGBP Activity on Data Management for International Marine Research Projects
  • Updates from Projects
  • Updates from Sponsors
  • Additional Follow-up Needed
10:30 Break
11:00 Interactions of International Marine Research Projects with the Global Ocean Observing System

Presentations: Tom Malone (COOP) and Ed Harrison (OOPC) – 40 minutes
  • How have projects been involved in GOOS development? – Reports from GOOS and projects
  • How can GOOS and other observing systems be useful for the projects?
  • What measurements do projects need most from GOOS?
  • How can projects be useful for GOOS?
  • How are research observations transformed into operational observations?
  • How can the research projects be useful for developing the observing system?
  • What mechanisms are necessary to improve the way that projects work with GOOS and other observing systems?
  • How will the observatories and time-series stations planned by the projects integrate with GOOS?
13:00 Lunch (bilateral and small-group meetings)
14:30 Continued discussions of GOOS-project relations
16:00 Break
16:30 Project Needs for Time-series stations
  • Presentation (30 minutes) - Tommy Dickey
18:00 Adjourn for the Day
20:00 Dinner (bilateral and small-group discusions)

24 September (Friday)

9:00 Southern Ocean research and observations
  • Potential for collaborative research among projects, in general, and during IPY
  • Mechanisms for continued interactions – Presentation by Colin Summerhayes on SCAR-SCOR Proposal for a Coordination Group for the Southern Ocean (ISOS)
10:30 Break
11:00 Contributions of projects to environmental assessments supported by governments, such as the climate assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
  • Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (30 minutes) - Jackie Alder
13:00 Lunch (bilateral and small-group discussions)
14:30 Discussion of other topics of interests to the participants (either identified at the meeting or in advance)
16:00 Break
16:30 Conclusions and Recommendations

  • To SCOR and other organizations
  • To projects
  • To GOOS and other observing networks
  • To governmental agencies and inter-governmental organizations
  • To others?
18:00 Adjourn Meeting
20:00 Dinner (bilateral or small-group discussions)

Questions or Comments?
Please contact SCOR.